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Dear teachers, 


I strongly believe that Bob Hawke is notable and remarkable. Bob Hawke led Australia from 1980 to 1992, he was the 23rd Prime Minister of Australia. Bob Hawke turned Australia around for the better. One of the actions Bob Hawke was most known for was outlawing gender discrimination in workplaces. How would you feel if you were being discriminated for your gender? 


First and foremost, Bob Hawke did not only outlaw gender discrimination, although he also banned uranium mining in an aboriginal tribe location now known as Arnhem Land. Arnhem Land is now inhabited by 16,000 people, 12,000 of them being Aboriginal Yolngu People, their original inhabitants. If Bob Hawke wasn't there to stop the uranium mining, who knows what would've happened to a historical and inhabited site flocking with life. This more than proves Bob Hawke's notability. 


Secondly, in many ways Bob Hawke proves himself to be a genuine and kind person. In 1989 Bob Hawke covered a sensitive topic over a speech. He talked about the Tiananmen Square massacre. Bob Hawke clearly showed his empathy and sympathy through his facial expressions and actions. Bob Hawke reacted by offering asylum for 20,000 Chinese students affected by the massacre. After announcing his asylum offering, a senior bureaucrat walked up to him and said 'Prime minister, you can't do that.' He replied with 'I've done it.' This once again proves Bob Hawke's notability and empathy. 


Lastly, in 1984 Bob Hawke performed the first action against gender discrimination in workplaces for the whole of Australia. Bob Hawke is known for treating everyone equally and it was only a matter of time for him to attempt to outlaw gender discrimination. In 1984 Bob outlawed gender discrimination marking history for Australia. This, for the last time in this text, was once again notable. 


In conclusion, Bob Hawke stopped mining in precious parts of Australia, Offered 20,000 traumatized students asylum and outlawed gender discrimination. In this whole text I've only covered 3 of the countless kind and caring changes he has done for Australia. Bob Hawke has gone down in history as the kindest, most thoughtful and truly most notable prime minister Australia has ever had. Even after Bob Hawke's death his presence is still left with us, the things he has done for Australia is still in use and effecting Australia's present and Australia's future 


'Prime Minister, you can't do that.' 

'I've done it.' 


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